They've moved us out of the ICU & onto a regular surgical floor. I have serious mixed emotions about this. His heart rate is 178 and after the transfer is BP is back up to 122/65. On this floor they will only check his vitals every 4 hours instead of hourly. But if his wacky vitals meet the criteria he'll have them every 2 hours & be seen by a risk nurse. Which is really an ICU nurse making sure that kids shouldn't actually be up in the ICU.
One of the first things our nurse asked was, are his feet always like this?! So I told her no & about the discussions around his poor perfusion upstairs. She said she wasn't entirely buying that explanation but she was getting ready to go to lunch when we got here. So hopefully she can push for more answers when she gets back.
Thinking of you guys and praying for your little Arron. Praying for a restful night and this his heart rate and blood pressure will normalize.